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Staying COVID safe to protect our community

Last updated on Sunday, October 18, 2020 | By Craig Gibson

waves surf school
In these challenging times safeguarding the health and safety of our community and preventing the spread of COVID-19 is our top priority. 

While none of us can be sure how things will pan out, it is important we closely monitor Government health advice in this rapidly changing environment and act on advice from the Australian Department of Health and NSW Health. This includes following hygiene protocols as they relate to COVID-19 so we keep everyone safe. We also encourage you to explain COVID-19 to your children in a way they understand, using a reassuring tone and sticking to the facts. 

In terms of our processes we have no direct oversight or authority over our activity providers, but we do confirm that a provider has COVID safe measures in place when we onboard them to the platform. We also encourage you to be COVID aware when you attend an in-person activity with your child. COVID awareness campaign

Keeping everyone COVID safe

It is also worth reminding ourselves how COVID-19 spreads - from person to person through contact with droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You may also be infected by touching a surface contaminated with these droplets, especially if you then touch your mouth nose or eyes before washing your hands. 

You can help minimise transmission, and keep other attendees and activity provider staff COVID safe, by:

    [li indent=0 align=left]Keeping up to date with the latest official COVID-19 health advice where you live.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Complying with social distancing requirements, which are currently to keep at least 1.5 metres apart.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Practicing good hygiene by washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and drying them completely.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Covering your mouth with an elbow or tissue when you sneeze or cough.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Staying at home if you, or your child, are sick and get tested .[/li]
Businesses are also obliged under work, health and safety (WHS) laws to implement control measures to eliminate or minimise the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure the health and safety of staff and attendees. 

COVID safe health protocols for activity providers

WHS laws are state/territory specific so businesses need to refer to their local health authority for further information on specific restrictions in place under public health directions or orders in that state or territory. In NSW, for example, certain types of businesses are obliged under Public Health Orders to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19. 

Hygiene measures and controls that can be put in place by businesses include:

    [li indent=0 align=left]Conducting a risk assessment for COVID-19.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Adhering to the current ‘person per square metre’ rule, which puts a limit on maximum number of students per class.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Displaying signage in a premises to increase awareness of COVID-19 hygiene protocols .[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Engaging in routine cleaning and disinfection of surfaces.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Providing appropriate handwashing facilities for staff and customers.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Ensuring staff with symptoms of COVID-19 do not come to work.[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Keeping a record of attendees (if required for their business type).[/li][li indent=0 align=left]Providing contactless payment where possible.[/li]
The government also encourages all businesses to monitor and review their COVID-19 control measures to ensure they are following the current official advice and regulations. COVID awareness campaign

COVID safe resources

With such a fluid situation it is important we all educate ourselves and keep up to date with the latest COVID-19 advice and guidance from trusted sources. We encourage you to keep informed about the latest government health advice from:

The Department of Health - for the latest COVID-19 advice, news, key facts, data, and local contacts.

NSW Government - for the latest updates regarding the COVID-19 virus in New South Wales. 

Head to Health - for trusted information and digital resources to help support our mental health and wellbeing during this pandemic, including advice for parents.

SafeWork Australia - for information and advice for business to minimise the risk of COVID-19 in the workplace. - for the latest Coronavirus information and support for business

If we all work together and follow the official advice we can ensure everyone stays safe and we get through this together. 

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